Future Doc

My photo
Portsmouth, Dominica
I am a 3rd year student at Ross University School of Medicine

Saturday, April 17, 2010

da' Come Back Kid

My sister just asked "where ya been?" my reply: umm studying.....lol

Hey guys! I know...I know... it's been forev.....I apologize but this med school thing is no joke. So here is a quick update. Last semester was rough, but by God's grace I passed and now I am trying to get through 2nd. I am so sorry this semester is basically over and I have neglected to write anything but time flies when you're......in med school I guess haha! So here's the rundown on 2nd.... I HAVE NO TIME TO BREATHE!!! lol ok maybe i'm being a lil' dramatic but there is nonstop work. We have all of the classes from 1st plus as if those are not enough they add NEURO!!! Btw I have def realized that that is not my calling ya' heard meh (in my NOLA voice) haha. But i will say that the Neuro dept has some of the best professors @ Ross. SO anyway yea 6 classes. The toughest for me this semester have been Neuro and Biochem. Although last semester I struggled in Physio, this time around I have been on top of it. I do enjoy the info we have this semester soooo much more than I did last semester though.
Well finals are next week. I call it HELL WEEK. We have 2 tests per day over the span of 3 days. Tuesday-Thursday. The good thing is (& I thank GOD for it) I am in good shape in my classes so I don't need a lot on them but I still want to do well. I will be staying over the break this time so I will once again be "Dora the Explorer" haha. I will post picts.
Oh I have to tell u guys that MY SISTER IS HAVING A BABY!!!! I am beaucoup hype! It's a girl and her name is Taylor Alexandria! Ahhhhh Me love the name! She is due in August and I can not wait. Can we say SPOILED! Ya man!haha
I have missed writing. I forgot how good it felt to do this. I will make this promise today that I will not forsake my blog ever again (right hand up*)......

Until next time....(you should know what I'm gonna say but in case u forgot) Love life and smile....

Muah...Me love you guys! (in my pirate voice haha)

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