Future Doc

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Portsmouth, Dominica
I am a 3rd year student at Ross University School of Medicine

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Marathon Starts!!

Hey me loves!!!

As promised I am keeping up with my writing! Tomorrow/well really in about 7 hours we start the 3 day final exam marathon! I am soooooo excited! YAY! (insert sarcasm lol) But honestly I'm not really worried or stressed. I feel like I feel about the Minis actually. I can not believe that after Thursday I will be a 2nd year med student! God is great! I am praising Him in advance! Time has really flown by. Now I see what ppl were talking abt when they said it goes so fast. One day I will wake up and be a doctor! Who wants to be my 1st patient???? (why do I hear crickets?!) That's ok! lol.

OH btw Happy Birthday Mama!!!!!! My mother turns 45 today!!! Your gift's in the mail! AND shout out to my love Indiahhhhhh!!!! Happy Birthday chica! Love u much! Wish I could've been there to celebrate with u! This is a major sad part of being so far away from the states. I have missed family & friends' birthdays. I had to miss my cousin's wedding also. Congrats to Fallon and Emmette!!! I really wish I could've been there. I'm looking forward to seeing pictures!

Well I have to get some rest before I take on Day 1! Physio & Histo up 1st!!!

Until next time.....love life and smile!

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