Future Doc

My photo
Portsmouth, Dominica
I am a 3rd year student at Ross University School of Medicine

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I'm on Vacation!!!!

Sooooo this semester has ended! By God's grace I passed!!! On to 3rd semester. I can actually call myself a 2nd year med student! It feels so crazy! I am so grateful to God b/c some of those finals were tough but I still made it through! So now I am on vacation for 2 weeks!! I stayed in Dominica for this break so I plan on hitting the beach and relaxing!
I also just moved to a top floor apt. It is very nice! I have an awesome breeze and it is bigger than the one I was in before.
Well I am still unpacking a few things. I will chat with you guys later!

Until next time....Love life and smile!

Oh here's a picture that reflects my mood right now! It was taken @ red rock!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Still Running!!!

Hey guys! The marathon continues today. I just finished taking my Neuro and Anatomy cumulative finals. They were ok but it's in God's hands now so what will be will be. Tomorrow is the major one for me. We have Biochem!! After that starts me 2wk vacay!!! In one day I can relax for a few weeks! I am so tired me thinks me may sleep an entire day! Ok maybe not a whole day but @ least until 9!! (that may seem early still but compared to these 6 and 7 mornings it sounds like a little slice of Heaven! haha. But seriously I could use a few extra winks! Well no long post today. Gotta grind out these last hours. Don't be sad we have 2 weeks coming up and I promise I will write a lot during that time!

Me love u guys! Muah!

Until next time......Love life and smile!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Marathon Starts!!

Hey me loves!!!

As promised I am keeping up with my writing! Tomorrow/well really in about 7 hours we start the 3 day final exam marathon! I am soooooo excited! YAY! (insert sarcasm lol) But honestly I'm not really worried or stressed. I feel like I feel about the Minis actually. I can not believe that after Thursday I will be a 2nd year med student! God is great! I am praising Him in advance! Time has really flown by. Now I see what ppl were talking abt when they said it goes so fast. One day I will wake up and be a doctor! Who wants to be my 1st patient???? (why do I hear crickets?!) That's ok! lol.

OH btw Happy Birthday Mama!!!!!! My mother turns 45 today!!! Your gift's in the mail! AND shout out to my love Indiahhhhhh!!!! Happy Birthday chica! Love u much! Wish I could've been there to celebrate with u! This is a major sad part of being so far away from the states. I have missed family & friends' birthdays. I had to miss my cousin's wedding also. Congrats to Fallon and Emmette!!! I really wish I could've been there. I'm looking forward to seeing pictures!

Well I have to get some rest before I take on Day 1! Physio & Histo up 1st!!!

Until next time.....love life and smile!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Happy Sunday!

Last night before I went to bed I was reading one of my favorite med school blogs. Her name is Jessica and it's titled "What's Jessica Up to."She is a 4th yr Ross student and she is finally finished! She is now a doctor! I almost cried and it really brought so much encouragement to see someone at the end of the journey. She had an excellent poem on there that I would like to share with yall.

Don't Quit
When things go wrong as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all up hill.
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you want to cry.
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must but don't you quit.
Life is strange with its twists and turns,
As everyone of us sometimes learns.
And many a failure turns about,
When you might have won had you stuck it out.
Don't give up though the pace seems slow,
You may succees with another blow.
Success is failure turned inside out,
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt.
And you can never tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far.
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit -
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.

I hope that encourages someone. It def encouraged me. Until next time Love life and smile......

Saturday, April 17, 2010

da' Come Back Kid

My sister just asked "where ya been?" my reply: umm studying.....lol

Hey guys! I know...I know... it's been forev.....I apologize but this med school thing is no joke. So here is a quick update. Last semester was rough, but by God's grace I passed and now I am trying to get through 2nd. I am so sorry this semester is basically over and I have neglected to write anything but time flies when you're......in med school I guess haha! So here's the rundown on 2nd.... I HAVE NO TIME TO BREATHE!!! lol ok maybe i'm being a lil' dramatic but there is nonstop work. We have all of the classes from 1st plus as if those are not enough they add NEURO!!! Btw I have def realized that that is not my calling ya' heard meh (in my NOLA voice) haha. But i will say that the Neuro dept has some of the best professors @ Ross. SO anyway yea 6 classes. The toughest for me this semester have been Neuro and Biochem. Although last semester I struggled in Physio, this time around I have been on top of it. I do enjoy the info we have this semester soooo much more than I did last semester though.
Well finals are next week. I call it HELL WEEK. We have 2 tests per day over the span of 3 days. Tuesday-Thursday. The good thing is (& I thank GOD for it) I am in good shape in my classes so I don't need a lot on them but I still want to do well. I will be staying over the break this time so I will once again be "Dora the Explorer" haha. I will post picts.
Oh I have to tell u guys that MY SISTER IS HAVING A BABY!!!! I am beaucoup hype! It's a girl and her name is Taylor Alexandria! Ahhhhh Me love the name! She is due in August and I can not wait. Can we say SPOILED! Ya man!haha
I have missed writing. I forgot how good it felt to do this. I will make this promise today that I will not forsake my blog ever again (right hand up*)......

Until next time....(you should know what I'm gonna say but in case u forgot) Love life and smile....

Muah...Me love you guys! (in my pirate voice haha)