Future Doc

My photo
Portsmouth, Dominica
I am a 3rd year student at Ross University School of Medicine

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Passed Step1!!! and....I already started rotations!

I apologize for not updating this sooner but once I passed Step I was a little busy trying to get my clinical rotations set up!

So Step 1 is officially over for me! Overall it was not a bad experience. There were some tough sections on there but also some really easy ones too so overall it was a fair test IMO. I didn't leave the test feeling low, but I can't say that I knew I aced it either. I was mostly indifferent. I could barely remember what they asked in the 1st section by the time I finished the 8 hr marathon, so I wasn't sure how many I had actually missed. I tried not to think about the test while I waited the 3 weeks for my scores! It was pretty easy to do since I was home with my family. I enjoyed the time off.  My niece turned 1 yr and we had a big celebration for her. I was happy I didn't have to miss that! When I got my score I was very relieved and happy! I can now look forward to the next obstacle! :)

So I am now 3 weeks into my Ob/Gyn core rotation here in Dominica. So far I am loving it! My first week was crazy! We were on call everyday! -_- But I did see a lot of baby deliveries that week. After that week of craziness the past two weeks have been smooth sailing! We round every morning and then if we aren't on call for the day I come home! We have to do one presentation per week. It's not too bad. I actually enjoy doing them. I am learning a lot! The doctor I am under is super cool! She is great at teaching and doesn't make you feel bad when you don't know something. I am very happy I chose to do some of my rotations here!

After this rotation I will also do 6 weeks of Peds here and a 3 week Orthopedics elective rotation. Then sadly I must say goodbye to Dominica (for a little while anyway). I'm off to New York for the rest of my cores and electives.

I'll try to get better at writing more frequently!

Until next time....love life and smile!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

AUGUST 3rd!!!

Yes that's right folks! I take Step 1 on August 3rd!!

Just wanted to take a short break from studying to say hello and update you guys(assuming there are ppl that read this lol) on my Step date. I will be going back home to take the test and then I will have abt a month of much needed vacay!!!! I am trying not to let the excitement overshadow my focus right now but man it is very hard!!! I have not had a true break in so long that just the thought of having one makes me wanna shout!! lol Well not too much else to say right now unless you wanna hear abt all this stuff I'm studying for this test.. Yea didn't think so. :) Well let me get back too it. I will post the day after my test and let you know how I felt about it. Honestly I am kinda scared but at the same time I am very excited. It's a weird feeling to be taking these steps towards MD land. Each day I am getting closer and sometimes I feel like I am dreaming. Ok Ok maybe a little dramatic but it is true.

This song pretty much sums up my thoughts at this point in my life.

As always...until next time.....Love life and smile.....

and NEVER give up on your dreams....


Friday, May 20, 2011


I don't even know if anybody still reads this but just thought I would say hello and provide an update on my life up to this point.....So here it goes!

1st off: Hey y'all!!! (in the most southern country voice) ;)

Well so much has changed over these past months. I think I'm still in shock about it all. Talk about stressful... I have gotten through 5th. Which was tons on awesomeness!!! I loved being at PMH. I am so grateful for the things that I learned there and I know that it will help me to be a better doc in the future. So after 5th I had to take the Comprehensive exam that Ross makes us take in order to sit for Step 1. We get three attempts at it. My first time was at the beginning of 5th. I wasn't really into studying so I wasn't really surprised to not pass it. But this time around I studied my "bootay" off and I am happy to announce that....I PASSED! I know that I still have a long way to go but I am so ready to kick butt on STEP and start gasp....CLINICAL ROTATIONS!! And to think this was just a dream for me 2 yrs ago.....GOD is Amazing!! He continues to be my #1 supporter through all of this madness.

Well I no longer have to go to any class!!!! That feels great! Kinda weird since that has been my life for this long. But I will be ok. So for the next 2mths my life will consist of studying like a mad woman for STEP!! I decided to stay on the island to study. 1. because it's so peaceful and easy to focus 2. my man's here(yea my bf is Dominican) so it makes it a little sweeter being here.

Well wish me luck on what lies ahead.. I'm ready!!!!!

So now you get the double meaning behind the title of this entry. Step by Step (like each step towards MD land and "Step" for Step1.....*crickets* ok whatever..I thought it was pretty funny. hahahaha

Well I'm gonna finish enjoying my day. It's a beautiful day in DOMINICA!

As always.... until next time, love life and smile....

Monday, January 31, 2011

5th semester

Sorry guys! I know it's been a while but I must tell you that these past couple of months have been hectic. I am currently in 5th semester! whoohoo!

I love 5th. I stayed on the island so I go to PMH everyday. We have a very small class so we get to do and see so much. Lots of hands on experience. We do clinical rotations on MWF in different departments. So far I have been in Gastroenterology, Internal Medicine, and Neonatology. I also did a shift in the ER last Friday night. I have seen some cool things so far. Definitely happy with my decision to stay. I love it here so I didn't mind staying in Dominica anyway. Ok I know I promise this a lot but I will try to keep it this time, I am going to start posting more regularly so that I can document some of the cool things I see/do along the way. Later this week I will write about my ER experience. That has been the coolest so far.

Until next time, love life and smile.....