Future Doc

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Portsmouth, Dominica
I am a 3rd year student at Ross University School of Medicine

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Passed Step1!!! and....I already started rotations!

I apologize for not updating this sooner but once I passed Step I was a little busy trying to get my clinical rotations set up!

So Step 1 is officially over for me! Overall it was not a bad experience. There were some tough sections on there but also some really easy ones too so overall it was a fair test IMO. I didn't leave the test feeling low, but I can't say that I knew I aced it either. I was mostly indifferent. I could barely remember what they asked in the 1st section by the time I finished the 8 hr marathon, so I wasn't sure how many I had actually missed. I tried not to think about the test while I waited the 3 weeks for my scores! It was pretty easy to do since I was home with my family. I enjoyed the time off.  My niece turned 1 yr and we had a big celebration for her. I was happy I didn't have to miss that! When I got my score I was very relieved and happy! I can now look forward to the next obstacle! :)

So I am now 3 weeks into my Ob/Gyn core rotation here in Dominica. So far I am loving it! My first week was crazy! We were on call everyday! -_- But I did see a lot of baby deliveries that week. After that week of craziness the past two weeks have been smooth sailing! We round every morning and then if we aren't on call for the day I come home! We have to do one presentation per week. It's not too bad. I actually enjoy doing them. I am learning a lot! The doctor I am under is super cool! She is great at teaching and doesn't make you feel bad when you don't know something. I am very happy I chose to do some of my rotations here!

After this rotation I will also do 6 weeks of Peds here and a 3 week Orthopedics elective rotation. Then sadly I must say goodbye to Dominica (for a little while anyway). I'm off to New York for the rest of my cores and electives.

I'll try to get better at writing more frequently!

Until next time....love life and smile!

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