Future Doc

My photo
Portsmouth, Dominica
I am a 3rd year student at Ross University School of Medicine

Friday, May 20, 2011


I don't even know if anybody still reads this but just thought I would say hello and provide an update on my life up to this point.....So here it goes!

1st off: Hey y'all!!! (in the most southern country voice) ;)

Well so much has changed over these past months. I think I'm still in shock about it all. Talk about stressful... I have gotten through 5th. Which was tons on awesomeness!!! I loved being at PMH. I am so grateful for the things that I learned there and I know that it will help me to be a better doc in the future. So after 5th I had to take the Comprehensive exam that Ross makes us take in order to sit for Step 1. We get three attempts at it. My first time was at the beginning of 5th. I wasn't really into studying so I wasn't really surprised to not pass it. But this time around I studied my "bootay" off and I am happy to announce that....I PASSED! I know that I still have a long way to go but I am so ready to kick butt on STEP and start gasp....CLINICAL ROTATIONS!! And to think this was just a dream for me 2 yrs ago.....GOD is Amazing!! He continues to be my #1 supporter through all of this madness.

Well I no longer have to go to any class!!!! That feels great! Kinda weird since that has been my life for this long. But I will be ok. So for the next 2mths my life will consist of studying like a mad woman for STEP!! I decided to stay on the island to study. 1. because it's so peaceful and easy to focus 2. my man's here(yea my bf is Dominican) so it makes it a little sweeter being here.

Well wish me luck on what lies ahead.. I'm ready!!!!!

So now you get the double meaning behind the title of this entry. Step by Step (like each step towards MD land and "Step" for Step1.....*crickets* ok whatever..I thought it was pretty funny. hahahaha

Well I'm gonna finish enjoying my day. It's a beautiful day in DOMINICA!

As always.... until next time, love life and smile....

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