Future Doc

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Portsmouth, Dominica
I am a 3rd year student at Ross University School of Medicine

Thursday, September 30, 2010

4th Semester

So I can finally say that I am a 4th...semester that is! haha. I feel good to be almost finished wit 2nd yr. but I realize I am only half way done with the journey! I do feel a little bittersweet about it. This is my last semester of being in a classroom for the rest of my life! (hopefully lol) We do a little classroom work in 5th semester but I hear it's not like this. Mini 1 is Monday! My last Mini 1.... ok, ok i'll stop lol. But it is pretty strange to think about it.

So 4th is not very fun! It is packed with work smerck! SO much info to retain in a small window of time but such is life right?! It wouldn't be med school if it wasn't hard. I feel like Pharm and Micro are calling my name right now so I will have to keep this short. I was just taking a moment to check in since it's been a little while since my last post. I promise I will do better about writing once I start studying for Step and start rotations.

Well take care loves. And until next time.......

Love life and smile....

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