Future Doc

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Portsmouth, Dominica
I am a 3rd year student at Ross University School of Medicine

Friday, August 6, 2010

It's Been A Long time.....

I shouldn't have left you....without a dope beat to step to.. step to... step to...step to... ssss-tep to......hahahaha

Hello out there. Not sure if anybody even follows this anymore but I just got an urge to write so:

At this time I am studying hard for the last exams of the semester. Two more weeks until vacay! WOOHOO!!! I know I say this so often but time really does fly. I have been very busy this semester with school and extracurriculars too. I was the prez of BSA this semester so I did a lot of running around with that. 3rd semester has been overall the best so far. Not easy but the most enjoyable. Pharm is tough but I actually feel like i'm learning doctor related stuff. And we actually see patients so that is fun too.

I am actually a little home sick. I didn't go home over last break so I am def missing my fam and friends. I feel so bad that I don't get to call ppl like I would like to but I guess it comes with the territory. I know that they don't hold it against me though. I have some exciting things to look forward to during the break. The biggest is a new addition to the fam:::::TAYLOR ALEXANDRIA HARRIS:::::::my new niece!! I can't wait to see her! Also we are having a DU Katrina reunion so I will get to see some friends that I haven't seen in a while.

Well I guess I should get back to studying!

Until next time.....love life and smile!


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