Future Doc

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Portsmouth, Dominica
I am a 3rd year student at Ross University School of Medicine

Monday, September 7, 2009

1st Day of Classes!


I am taking a small study break to update yall on everything so far. I know I said I wouldn't wait so long but I have been extremely busy and it is only just beginning. Sooo....last week we had orientation. It was actually very informative. It seems like Ross has a lot of resources in place to help us "pass." I was very impressed by that. Not that I thought they didn't care, it's just that some students here are so negative that you would think that Ross=biggest adversary. That is not the case at all. I have learned in this short time here that some ppl are just bitter and they want you to be that way as well. My word of advice for anyone considering coming here is to not listen to negativity. I find some ppl here are very eager to pass this around. The ppl here do care (I can't say all bc I have not met everyone but the ones that I have encountered so far do). *hops of soap box*

Ok so the real deal! I am officially a med student! *screams* I have survived my first day. I must say that this is a huge adjustment for me but I have been on the ball so far. I pre-read all of the lecture notes for today and tomorrow's lectures! Talk abt being a good student! I have never ever done that before. Also I have been studying since about 3:30! Three hours straight! I barely studied in undergrad, and never 3 hrs ever!

Well I have enjoyed my 5 minute break...back to studying.

Until next time...love life and smile.....

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