Future Doc

My photo
Portsmouth, Dominica
I am a 3rd year student at Ross University School of Medicine

Monday, September 7, 2009

Day 1 study session is over!

I have completed my studying for the day! *pirate voice* Me thinks this ain't so bad.... I am tired but I feel like I accomplished a lot. I really like studying during the daytime. I am very alert right after class and it's easy to focus. Plus I didn't feel like walking home in the heat anyway or risking falling asleep or watching tv. haha. Here's a picture of the way I feel right now...lol j/k I actually feel great. Well I shall update you all tomorrow. Until next time love life and smile.....


  1. I am so proud of you, Court. I feel like I felt when Mike decided to go back to school at 37 years old. I know you are not that old but this is a great accomplishment and I am glad to have met you and watch you succeed. Love, Karen L

  2. aww thanks Karen! It really does help me to know that I have so much support around me from friends like you.


DISCLAIMER: ATTN HATERS, this is MY blog so if you do not have anything positive to say...DON'T SAY IT! If you still choose to, it will never make it to my page anyway so go ahead!