Future Doc

My photo
Portsmouth, Dominica
I am a 3rd year student at Ross University School of Medicine

Friday, August 28, 2009

Exploring Dominica!

Sorry I haven't been on here in a couple of days... I have been so busy being "Dora the Explorer" lol. This place is pretty awesome. So much to see. I am going to update yall on everything so this will be a kinda long entry...

The first day I got here I met some cool ppl, Rahul and Fernando. They are very nice and we have become good friends in this short period of time. We went and signed up for the island tours on Monday. Each day the school takes us to some of the big attractions of the island.
We went on a red rock scenic tour. It was a pretty fun trip. Funny times also. So the school failed to mention that we might want to wear tennis shoes so most of the group came out in flip flops. We ended up having to slide down a really steep muddy hill in order to get to the place. It was funny bc some ppl fell/tumbled down the hill and had big mud stains on their clothes the whole day! I know it's probably mean to laugh but it was pretty funny. But it was definitely worth the mudslide. The view was amazing. I have a couple of picts below. One of the girls I talked to prior to coming here, Candice, finally made it to "the rock" so we went to the beach.

I didn't do too much. I had to go to ITT orientation=waste of time. They had the worst video in the world explaining how to log in to myRoss/email/G drive...blah blah blah. The lady was talking very fast and it was hard to understand so needless to say I still don't know how to do any of those things. I'll figure it out though. Also I woke up to a horrible itchy rash all over my arms! Welcome to Dominica!lol I went to the nurse and they say it is prob just a heat rash but we shall see... It seems to be going away now. Later that evening Rahul, Fernando, and I went to Perky's Pizza. It was ok but no Papa Johns or anything lol.

We went on another tour to Cabrits/Fort Shirley. That was kinda cool. The bus ride was very long and I got a little car sick. I learned something interesting though. Lemon grass helps to relieve nausea/dizziness. The bus driver,"Curvin", gave me some and it worked. You just hold it up to your nose/mouth and inhale the lemon vapors and the sickness disappears. Gotta love natural medicine. When we were finished at Fort Shirley we went to a cool bar/grill called Azille Country Club. It's not the country club we are used to in the states. There was not golf...lol. They did have some cool music. They played a couple of MJ tracks and some old stuff. Trice they played old Sisqo songs too..remember how you were in love with him haha. I tried "rum punch" (yes I had a drink mama!) pretty good..lol. When I got back to the school I was pretty tired/tipsy so I took a nap. lol

Today we went to Roseau (the capitol of Dominica). It was a nice trip. I bought a fan. I needed one very badly because the electricity here is very expensive. It's about 106EC a week! That's forty USD, which would be 160USD a month! I am not used to that. My bill was never over 50-60 a month back in New Orleans. It's very hot here so I had to do something. We didn't do too much there because we only had about 1 1/2 to look around. After Roseau we went to Screws spa. It was awesome they had abt five different sulphur pools there that ranged from really hot to cold. Very refreshing and relaxing.

As you can see I have been a busy bee these past days. I will try not to wait so long next time but time flies when you are having fun (I am trying to have as much as I can before class starts)

Well until next time, love life and smile....


  1. my oh my...i see why you didnt text me back...but I stil want to know what the time difference is
    omg...so proud...eek! ;)

  2. Hey Court, I am glad to see you are enjoying things down there. Yeah get all your fun in because you are about to be a very busy girl... I smiled at the mentioning of Sisqo...Of course. It seems like those times were so long ago and I thought I would never get over him. But good luck chick and I'll get back with you later. Oh yeah I only have 37 more days... We're Professional women. Yaaay!

  3. I heard that Trice! I am sooo happy for you! It must feel really good to almost be done with Sgt "butthole" lol. I am going to call you on Sunday so that we can chat....now back to studying for me ;P


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