Future Doc

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Portsmouth, Dominica
I am a 3rd year student at Ross University School of Medicine

Monday, July 13, 2009

Time...How I love thee (*Sarcasm*)

So... as each day goes by I get even more anxious about the future. I am not rushing to leave the U.S. (I will def be sad to go...) but the mystery is just killing me. A great friend told me today that he was proud of me....*smiles* To know that I am making my friends and family proud just warms my heart...corny I know... but very true.

So here goes me status(pirate voice):

-Arggg...Still haven't sent off me VISA stuff...I dunno what my prob is...I need to get moving and mail the stuff in....
-I am still torn between this housing thing (leaning towards waiting even though they r saying I need to pre-book...I really don't see them putting me out on the streets...lol...*second guesses that thought*...me thinks I will think abt it a little longer (pirate voice)
-SYPE is up & running YAY! Tested it out with Lawrance! Hey hun! lol
-I did make a packing list, I still need to type it so I can post it on here.
-Tiffany(a current 4th semester ROssie) is going to get with me on shipping....btw Congrats on making it so far Tiff, and thanks for the info abt Ross u really made me feel comfortable abt my decision to attend.

Well, I decided to wait until July 21st to begin my official countdown. Tty soon.

FYI: *pirate voice* is a registered tradmark of Court, Inc. (lol j/k yall)

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