Future Doc

My photo
Portsmouth, Dominica
I am a 3rd year student at Ross University School of Medicine

Sunday, July 12, 2009

How I love new experiences

So I started this blog thing. I really think this will be a good thing while I am on "the rock." Just to get everyone up to speed. This entire blog is dedicated to tracking my journey as a caribbean med student. I will be attending Ross University located in Dominica (def not to be confused with Dom. Republic). I am nervous/excited about it all, but I know that it will be an awesome experience. Four years from now I will look back and say wow, I made it.

So here goes me status thus far(pirate voice..lol):

-Booked my flight to leave August 21st (very early but I want to get an early crack @ housing in case I decide not to pre-book....not sure how I feel abt not being able to see the place and it will just give me more time to explore the island)
-VISA app is finished I just need to make some copies and drop it in the mail.
-Passport is here..yay I was stressing abt it a little

I now am in the process of deciding what to bring(I will post once my list is finalized) and checking into shipping.

I only have two rules...
1)Uplifting/positive comments only. I will be under enough pressure no need to attack me with dumb posts.
2)Sense of humor is a must. Laughter IS the best medicine...take twenty million doses and see me in the morning (hey I think I just wrote my 1st prescription..lol).

Other than that, feel free to post any feedback/questions you may have.

Well wish me luck guys! Stay tuned.....

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DISCLAIMER: ATTN HATERS, this is MY blog so if you do not have anything positive to say...DON'T SAY IT! If you still choose to, it will never make it to my page anyway so go ahead!