Future Doc

My photo
Portsmouth, Dominica
I am a 3rd year student at Ross University School of Medicine

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Ahoy, me Hearties (loud pirate voice)!

So the housing battle is over...at least for now. If I get there and the place looks horrible me thinks I will have to reevaluate things!lol(pirate voice) Well I decided on eddie simon's. It seems very nice. (I included a few pics of it above) The landlord was nice. He is willing to work with me on the deposit and 1st mth's rent pymt which ia A+!
Um.. not too much new today besides that...
Side vent....I will be so happy the day I give me two weeks @ me sorry excuse of a job! I sell frickin swimming pools! haha.. If u saw me u'd laugh too! It's ok though all of the great docs had to start somewhere..right?

Shiver me timbers! I don't have to much longer and I can officially start my countdown. Sorry got very excited for a sec there.lol. Also, I officially register fri! Can you say booyah casha! lol.. I know.. I know...I am very silly... I'll remember to keep my humor along the way...

Until next time, love life and smile!


DISCLAIMER: ATTN HATERS, this is MY blog so if you do not have anything positive to say...DON'T SAY IT! If you still choose to, it will never make it to my page anyway so go ahead!