Future Doc

My photo
Portsmouth, Dominica
I am a 3rd year student at Ross University School of Medicine

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

3rd is....

Hey loves!!!

Sorry for my hiatus but I have been super duper busy lately. Quick update:
Me vacay was ahhhmazin'. I went to a couple parties and I most of all relaxed!!! It was a nice break from school. Speaking of school scmool, I am well into 3rd semester now. 3rd is......ummmm different from 1st/2nd. BUTTTTTTT I like it and so far me thinks it's not too bad. We are finally doing clinical stuff (playing doctor)! It is pretty cool. I still have a lot of info to cram into my head. Oh and did I mention Mini 1 is monday??!!! Yep! And Sunday is me berfday!!! YAYYY! I am excited but not really bc I will be studying for most of it but such is life right?! I am just grateful that God is allowing me to see another year!! He has blessed me with so much. Last year he told me that I would not be the same person next year and lo and behold I am SOOOO NOTTTT!! But in a good way. I am working toward my dream career. I have grown spiritually. I have new friends. I am in a diff country (that is absolutely beautiful). This is truly a once in a lifetime opportunity. All in all I am just loving life right now. Well I'm off to bible study.

I will write more later!!

Until next time love life and smile!!!!


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